
A suite of tools for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations

NonlinearSchrodinger.jl is a suite of tools for solving Nonlinear Schrodinger equations via higher-order algorithms and Darboux transformations.

Package Features

The following features are currently available:

  • Solving the cubic Nonlinear Schrodinger equation using a plethora of algortithms of order up to 8 (the number of algorithms available is always increasing!). Symplectic and Nystrom integrators are available.
  • Solving the Hirota and Sasa-Satsuma equations using a combined split-step-finite-difference approach using a few different integrators.
  • Computing the integrals of motion (energy, momentum, and particle number) and their errors.
  • Computing the Darboux Transformation to study complicated analytical solutions. We currently support the breather and soliton seeds for extended nonlinear Schrodinger equations of order up to 5 (including cubic NLS, Hirota, LPD, Quintic, and arbitrary combinations thereof). We also support the cn and dn seeds for the cubic NLS.
  • Easy Visualization through Plots.jl recipes.
  • Very simple API that allows one to compute very complicated solutions via only a few lines of code.

